Monday, December 27, 2010

OPLAN: Iwas Paputok, Sakuna, at Sunog

The Office of the Provincial Director, Batangas Bureau of Fire Protection with San Jose Fire Station with this year's theme "OPLAN: IWAS PAPUTOK, SAKUNA, AT SUNOG".

Fire Stations, Batangas BFP-wide as well as other fire stations nation-wide are campaigning to this New Year theme for public safety and awareness.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

OPD Christmas Party

Today, the Office of the Provincial Director with San Jose Fire Station celebrated their Christmas party.

The Batangas BFP Provincial Director sends his thanks to all Officers and men of the Batangas Bureau of Fire Protection for supporting this event.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Interment and Funeral of Late SFO1 Felipe K Bulayungan

A mass was held to commemorate the death of SFO1 Felipe K Bulayungan BFP, a fellow fire-fighter of CUENCA Fire Station, where SRINSP VON FERDINAND S NICASIO BFP, City Fire Marshal, hosted and arranged its place for the Late's family members, relatives, and friends at Lipa City Fire Station.

Also, SRINSP NICASIO, commanded all BFP personnel within the site for proper execution of the said funeral.

Pursuant to BFP FIRES (BFP Fire Institutional Regulations and Ethical Standards), all BFP Officers, City Fire Marshals, Municipal Fire Marshals, Officers-in-Charge, OPD Staff, Off-Duty BFP Personnel of 3rd and 4th District Fire Stations are directed to attend the interment and funeral of deceased BFP personnel in complete GOA uniform on 21 DECEMBER 2010.

Assembly Time is exactly 0900H at Lipa City Fire Station.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

SFO1 Felipe K Bulayungan BFP

For information:

SFO1 Felipe K Bulayungan BFP, member, Cuenca Fire Station passed away this 13th Day of December 2010. His remains lies at Interior B Morada St., Lipa City.

Any financial assistance on his behalf shall be collected by this office and will be forwarded to the families thereafter.

His interment is scheduled on 21 December 2010. Exact time is undetermined at the time of posting due to family reasons.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fire Drill (Municipality of San Jose)

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP, the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, with Berong Bumbero and SFO1 Zosimo B Beraña BFP, OIC/ Municipal Fire Marshal-San Jose Fire Station, conducting Seminar on Fire Drill and Rescue Operations at Municipality San Jose.

Participants were Barangay Tanod of said municipality.

HON ENTIQUIO M BRIONES, Municipal Mayor, provide insights regarding the importance of the said seminar.

FO2 Carlo I Castro and FO1 Kennedy Dimaano are among the instructors.

Friday, November 12, 2010

PMCC Meeting

This date, the PMCC held meeting at Tree House, Balagtas, Batangas City where participants from different agencies including the Batangas Bureau of Fire Protection arrived.

Spearheaded by SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC, the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, with FO3 Mario Neil A Aranda BFP, discussed accomplishments, plans, programs, and activities conducted last month as well as the Batangas BFP's coordination with the provincial government.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The Batangas BFP Provincial Office spearheaded by SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP, Batangas BFP Provincial Director, conducted monitoring to all fire stations provincewide regarding OPLAN KALULUWA 2010.

All fire trucks of their respective fire stations were deployed for public visibility at cemeteries and conducted emergency medical services and travel assistance on strategic areas.

In this photo, OPD Staff and San Jose Fire Personnel at San Jose Municipal Cemetery with LGU and NGOs.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Regional Operations Plans and Budget

Last 29 October 2010, SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP, Batangas BFP Provincial Director, attended the said meeting at Riverview Resort and Conference Center at Parian, Calamba City.

Other Provincial Directors of CALABARZON attended.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vehicular Accident at Quilo, Ibaan ,Batangas

On or about 0512H 25 October 2010, a vehicular accident occurred at Brgy Quilo, Ibaan, Batangas. A JAM Transit Bus (plate nr DXV-511) collided with a Cargo Jeep (plate nr DRA-522). Five (5) casualties were noted with twenty-three (23) injured.

SRINSP VON FERDINAND S NICASIO BFP, upon arrival, acted as first ground commander with rescue personnel of Lipa City Fire Station and ERA-BER.

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP, the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, and FO1 Emilio A Batac BFP arrived at the scene; along with the Search and Rescue Unit of BFP R4A (Operations Division) spearheaded by SUPT ROMEL C TRADIO, conducted extrication techniques upon their arrival.

Other rescue personnel from fire stations of Batangas City commanded by CINSP GERANNDIE S AGONOS BFP and Ibaan came to assist in the same procedure along with different agencies.

Rescued victims were transported immediately to Batangas Regional Hospital, Saint Patrick's Medical Center, and Golden Gate General Hospital.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Computer Hardware Installation

The IT team of the BFP Regional Headquarters 4A spearheaded by INSP QUILANG appeared to the Office of the Provincial Director, Batangas BFP for the final installation of Computer Harware for the implementation of Fire Code Collection Online System.

Said Computerization will ease the Provincial's capability in monitoring the collection of Fire Code Fees in real-time, Batangas BFPwide.

Fire Stations provincewide with issued Computers shall be circulated by the IT team starting this date until tomorrow for the same installation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

PDCC Emergency Meeting

This date, the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council headed by Batangas Governor Vilma Santos Recto held meeting to all Department Heads including the Batangas BFP Provincial Office.

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC, the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, with FO1 Emilio A Batac attended the said emergency meeting.

Topics discussed were Typhoon Juan (Megi), Disaster Management, Search and Rescue Operations and composition of the Batangas BFP Emergency Satellite Extension Office Advance Command Post.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Consumer Welfare Month

This office joins the National Consumer Affairs Council (NCAC) in the celebration of Consumer Welfare Month this October 2010 with theme "Consumers: Green Multipliers".

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Requirements for COA meeting

This date, the Batangas BFP Provincial Director conducted meeting to all Fire Safety Inspectors Batangas BFPwide for the submission of necessary documents for the Office of the Commission on Audit (COA).

Three forms covering CY 2009 to CY 2010 are required to be submitted NLT 01 October 2010 as per Memorandum from BFP Regional Heaqdquarters.

Said documents are subject for consolidation by this office prior for submission to higher office. Hardcopy as well as softcopy (CD) is needed for this purpose.

Other topics discussed are Data Transmission and Reception through internet by FO3 Mario Neil A Aranda BFP.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today is clean-up day on all cities and municipalities Batangaswide.

Photos herein showing the participation and coordination of the members of the Office of the Provincial Director and San Jose Fire Station with the Local Government of San Jose, Batangas in connection with the said activity.

Other members of OPD and San Jose Fire Station were deployed on the far side of the street.

Friday, September 24, 2010

110th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary

This office, in coordination with the Civil Service Commission, celebrated the 110th Anniversary Philippines Civil Service with the theme "in a RACE to serve: Advancing Responsive, Accessible, Courteous, and Effective Public Service".

Computer Automation

Through the initiative of the BFP Higher Office, the Office of the Provincial Director, Batangas Bureau of Fire Protection, together with three (3) cities and twelve (12) municipalitites were granted Desktop Computers due to the demand in computerization.

In this photo, SFO4 Mario B Malaluan BFP, OIC/ Municipal Fire Marshal of TALISAY Fire Station, is one of the recipient of the said Desktop Computer package.

Other municipalities will soon be granted.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BEWARE CALLS from these number!!!!

Reference: Verbal Info from the Regional Director, BFP Regional Heaquarters 4a.

This is to inform all BFP Personnel Provincewide to refrain or avoid calls from these numbers, 0920-817-5013, 0905-278-1546, and 063-2-701-0134. Mysterious prank calls exists between these numbers and a so-called "Budol-Budol".

Be advised to disseminate and inform this office regarding the same.

For your information and guidance.

The New Office Building of OPD-Batangas BFP

Effective this date, the Office of the Provincial Director is now officially relocated to a new and improved building courtesy of the Local Government, Municipality of San Jose.

Composed of three rooms, one for the Provincial Director, one for the female's quarter, and a combined section for Admin, Operations/ FAI-FSI, Finance, Logistics, and Commel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

19th BFP Anniversary

In connection with the 19th BFP Anniversary Celebration , CSUPT ARIEL A BARAYUGA, BFP Regional Director 4A awarded the Ten Outstanding Fire Fighters in CALABARZON.

Held at the grounds of the BFP Regional Headquarters, this 9th day of August 2010, Batangas BFP Provincial Director with OPD Staff attended the celebration.

Congratulations to the awardees which include SRINSP MA NENETH C CALAPATI (Tanauan City Fire Station), SFO3 Manuel M Cerrado (Nasugbu Fire Station), SFO3 Pedro B Agrao (Rosario Fire Station), FO1 Carlo Castro (Batangas City Fire Station), FO1 Emilio A Batac (OPD-Batangas), FO1 Marilen P Batac (San Jose Fire Station) and FO1 Leo P Mayor (Lipa City Fire Station).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CFM/ MFM/ OIC/ FPO meeting

In reference to the Memorandum from BFP Regional Headquarters 4A dated August 3, 2010 with subject Repeal of Memorandum Circular No. 2005-143 dated December 15, 2005 on Fire And Life Safety Assessment Report (FALAR).

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP, Batangas BFP Provincial Director conducted meeting at Lipa City Fire Station to all City/ Municipal Fire Marshals/ Officers-in-Charge and Fire Prevention Officers Batangas-BFPwide regarding FALAR as NO LONGER REQUIRED as a supporting document in the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC).

Other topics also discussed were ADMIN, OPERATION, and LOGISTICAL matters.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

FCF Collection Meting

In order to come up with proper FCF Monthly Report, achieve smooth fire code fees collection and in preparation for the surprise audit to be conducted by Bureau of Treasury and Commission on Audit, SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA, DSC, BFP and FO1 Emilio A Batac BFP conducted Fire Code Fees Collection Conference held at the newly renovated Office of the Provincial Director - Batangas BFP, Brgy Taysan, San Jose, Batangas on 09 July2010.

All Fire Code Fees Collecting Officers provincewide attended the said conference, the main objective is to conduct review on proper practices and report preparation. To develop transparency in bookkeeping and provide more effective record management.

Actual auditing was also conducted by this office with FO1 Marilen P Batac BFP of San Jose Fire Station through the supervision of SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP.

Friday, July 2, 2010

PES meeting

Spearheaded by the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, FO3 Mario Neil A Aranda conducted meeting in the filing for the upcoming submission of the Performance Evaluation System Form.

The two-day meeting started yesterday for all Admin-NOR Batangas BFP-wide and this date for all Fire Prevention Officers. Topics discussed were frequently asked questions.

More over, the flow of signatories and raters were emphasized as well as other contents relative to their designations.

Monday, June 21, 2010

PDCC Emergency Meeting

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC BFP and FO1 Emilio A Batac BFP attended PDCC Emergency Meeting held at Batangas Provincial Mansion, Province of Batangas spearheaded by the PDCC Chairman Hon Vilma Santos-Recto, Governor of Batangas. Tuckled at the said meeting is the updates re: Taal Volcano. To mention a few, present in the meeting are MDCC/CDCC of the affected cities and municipalities e.g Talisay, San Nicolas, Agoncillo, Laurel, Tanauan City and Cuenca. Representative of NTC, Red Cross, Philippine Coast Guard and Phillipine Air Force are also there.

Also, witnessed is the actual search and rescue drill participated by FO1 Emilio A Batac BFP, PNP Batangas and Red Cross Batangas Chapter.

If situation requires, Batangas BFP is ready for deployment if need arises.

Monday, June 14, 2010

OPD-Batangas Office

The construction/ renovation of San Jose Fire Station will now be the new Batangas BFP Provincial Office at San Jose, Batangas while, the Office of the San Jose Barangay Hall at brgy Taysan will be the new San Jose Fire Station.

The new office and fire station are provided for by the Honorable Mayor of San Jose, Batangas.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Joint Meeting on Taal Volcano

SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC, Batangas BFP Provincial Director attended meeting at the Office of the Provincial Governor, spearheaded by HON VILMA S RECTO, Batangas Provincial Governor regarding updates on TAAL Volcano.

As provided by PHIVOLCS, Taal Volcano is in Active (LEVEL 2) Condition.

Disaster Coordinating Councils from affected area including Friendly Forces of the Batangas BFP attended.

Affected areas with Fire Stations as well as Fire Prevention Officers are instructed to prepare CONTINGENCY PLAN to be submitted at OPD-Batangas this 14th of June 2010 for consolidation purposes.

Team Leaders of Response Team on Search and Rescue Operations of OPD-Batangas are reactivated.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Admin Meeting

Spearheaded by SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA DSC, Batangas BFP Provincial Director, FO3 Mario Neil A Aranda, Batangas BFP Provincial Admin conducted meeting on Admin Matters to all Admin-NCO provincewide at the Office of the Provincial Director- Batangas BFP.

Topics discussed are issuances on clearances, updating of profiles, performace evaluation form, and other topics related thereto.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

RHQ4A Inspection Team

CSUPT ARIEL A BARAYUGA BFP, BFP Regional Director-CALABARZON, with the Regional Team from BFP R4A visited the Batangas Province for inpsection.

The two-day inspection from 14 to 15 of April 2010 includes Medical and Dental Check-up as well as Logistical Inspection of all fire stations provincewide.

With warm greetings from the Batangas BFP Provincial Director, SUPT IRENEO P PALICPIC MPA, DSC, the inspection was a success.